The Importance Of Pain Assignment

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The Importance Of Pain Assignment

The Importance Of Pain Assignment

When it comes to raising his son, Reb Saunders’ methods are better in theory than in real life. He tries to justify his methods of raising Danny by stating he only did it to inspire compassion and humility in his son. He recalls a time when Danny referred to someone as an ignoramus (fool), and he responded, “‘Stand inside his soul and see the world through his eyes. You will know the pain he feels because of his ignorance, and you will not laugh’” (Potok 286). However, in the very next breath he states a detriment of this interaction, stating that “‘He was bewildered and hurt.The Importance Of Pain Assignment

The nightmares he used to have… But he learned to find answers for himself. He suffered and learned to listen to the suffering of others. In the silence between us, he began to hear the world crying’” (Potok 286). However, Reb Saunders is fully aware that this was not the way to treat his son, as he hysterically sobs later, “‘Forgive me… for everything… I have done. A—a wiser father… may have done differently. I am not… wise’” (Potok 288). Reuven remarks of the matter, especially in contrast with his own caring father, “‘I think it’s crazy and sadistic… And I don’t like your father at all’” (Potok 261). Reuven resentfully accepts the silence in every aspect of his life during the time his father was in the hospital, when Danny simultaneously is forbidden from speaking to Reuven. When his father returns from the hospital, Reuven says of the silence that “I saw Danny all the time in school, but the silence between us continued.The Importance Of Pain Assignment