Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to influence the values of other nurses and be effective in problem-solving processes in the organization and the profession.

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April 19, 2020
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Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to influence the values of other nurses and be effective in problem-solving processes in the organization and the profession.

Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to influence the values of other nurses and be effective in problem-solving processes in the organization and the profession.

Write a 600-750-word essay on organizational values using APA format. Include the following:

i) Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

ii) Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to influence the values of other nurses and be effective in problem-solving processes in the organization and the profession.

iii) Include a relevant example from your personal work experience.

iv) Include at least one outside nursing article, properly referenced and cited, with at a total of at least three properly referenced and cited references