Provide examples with calculations, and evaluate the meaning of the results related to the financial health of the organization.

Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to influence the values of other nurses and be effective in problem-solving processes in the organization and the profession.
April 20, 2020
Why should nurses incorporate research?
April 20, 2020

Provide examples with calculations, and evaluate the meaning of the results related to the financial health of the organization.


Provide examples with calculations, and evaluate the meaning of the results related to the financial health of the organization.

Write an 800- to 1,000-word paper in which you discuss the value of ratio analysis in decision making for heath care organizations.
Complete the following in your paper:
• Include at least two ratios from each major group from the financial statements from your company or a health care company you select.
• Provide examples with calculations, and evaluate the meaning of the results related to the financial health of the organization.
• Explain the factors that affect the results.