What are some benefits of taking dietary supplements?

What are the government regulations surrounding dietary
October 3, 2019
Describe the measurable outcomes you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change.
October 3, 2019

What are some benefits of taking dietary supplements?

  • What are some benefits of taking dietary supplements?

We have heard for years that vitamins are an integral part of maintaining our health. Chapter 7 in our text describes the bioavailability of vitamins.  Besides what we specifically eat, there are other factors that can have an effect on the way that our body gets and uses the proper amount of vitamins.

  1. Besides what we eat, what are at least 2 other lifestyle factors that can affect the bioavailability of vitamins?
  2. What are some ways that we can lessen the effects of the factors that you listed?

Respond  like last time

Melissa Anderson

One thing that can affect the bioavailability of vitamins is poor health. Our body has many nutrient absorption pathways which are fragile and are easily affected by illness, or other things such as poor diet. For example, if you are a heavy drinker this can prevent the absorption of many vitamins, because drinking affects our liver and then we are not able to absorb some vitamins that our body needs like B1.

Another would be lack water you are drinking. If you are not drinking the amount of water your body needs, you will not be able to absorb vitamins properly.

The only way we can lessen the effects of what I listed above would be to make sure we keep ourselves healthy and have a good diet and drink plenty of water. Many people do not eat what right foods, I know when I was in my late teens I lived on fast food and it made me feel very lethargic, but if you eat properly and take care of yourself, your body will be able to absorb everything it needs to keep you healthy, as long as your a feeding it the right food.

Magan Lewis

Some lifestyle factors that can affect the bioavailability of vitamins would be the personal consumption of water and fats.  Some vitamins whether they be taken by mouth or absorbed and broken down through food intake with fats that are necessary.  When monitoring the diet it is important to ensure that if the vitamins being taken are fat soluble that the diet contains enough fat for the body as well as needed to absorb the vitamin as we well.  The body has a way of absorbing vitamins whether they are eaten by certain foods or taken by mouth.  Ways to lessen the effects of proper vitamin absorption would be to be knowledgeable of if the vitamins needed are water soluble or fat soluble and adjust the diet accordingly.  With foods that contain vitamins it is important to eat them in a way that allows your body to digest them effectively.  If you were to consume food for one vitamin and food for another vitamin your body may not be able to absorb both at the same time leaving the body lacking some vital nutrients that it might need. My advice would be to discuss with your doctor what vitamins you need and how to take them effectively.

DQ 2:

In chapter 7, our text goes into great detail on some specific water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Using the text, choose ONE of the vitamins and explain the following:

  1. why the vitamin is important for our health,
  2. what food sources from which we get the vitamin,
  3. what happens to our bodies if we become deficient in the vitamin.

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Britney Felder

The vitamin that I have choose to discuss is vitamin c. According to Visualizing Nutrition; Everyday Choices vitamin c is essential for the formation of bonds that hold adjacent collagen strands together and gives proteins strength. Without vitamin c the bonds cannot be formed, instead it breaks down the collagen and replaces it with abnormal collagen. Food sources that are high in vitamin c include but are not limited to oranges, kiwi, broccoli, and potatoes are all good sources of vitamin c. Things like meat and dairy products are not good sources of vitamin c. When the intake is low scurvy symptoms will occur. These symptoms include but are not limited to swollen and bleeding off the gums, teeth lost, and joint pain and weakness

Becky Turple

One water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need is niacin.  Niacin is important since it is a b vitamin that allows coenzymes to form and these enzymes help glucose to metabolize  and allows cholesterol and fatty acids to combine.  If there are deficiencies in the body then it can change things all over a person body.  There are some symptoms such as fatigue, loss in appetite, and indigestion.  There are also some symptoms that can be called the 3 D’s: dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia.  If a person does not get treatment for niacin deficiency it can result in death.  The main food sources where you can get niacin is from high proteins foods.  Meats, fish, nuts, and grains are all great sources to get niacin.


Write a 300- to 750-word summary on the use, benefits, and risks

associated with dietary supplements.

Respond to each of the following in your summary:

  • What are dietary supplements?
  • What are some benefits of taking dietary supplements?
  • What are some risks from taking dietary supplements?
  • What are the government regulations surrounding dietary


  • Choose a health condition, and discuss a specific supplement

used to treat and manage the condition. Analyze the supplement

facts label for this supplement.