Substance Use Disorder Recovery Essay

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Substance Use Disorder Recovery Essay

Substance Use Disorder Recovery Essay

If a guest was not employed during the time of their treatment or put their life on hold to complete their treatment, their first priority after treatment will be to find a job. For a person in recovery, the job search can feel daunting. And, it’s understandable to feel like there are barriers like a lapse in between jobs and worrying about discrimination due to recovery. However, getting a job is not impossible, and we are here to help you reach that goal. When looking for a job, think back to the last job or last few jobs you’ve had. Ask yourself: what did I like and not like about the job, what skills do I have, and where do I want to be in the next five to eight years. These types of questions can give you a clear list of what to look for and what not to look for in your next job, while also setting a realistic path of what you’re capable of doing.Substance Use Disorder Recovery Essay

Three tips to follow when thinking about your next job: Set realistic expectations. After looking for jobs, create a pros and cons list of those opportunities. If the cons outweigh the pros or you think the expectations of the job will be too much – don’t apply. Think long term. Look for a job with growth opportunities. High stress vs low stress. Think about if you want a high-stress position or if you’re looking for more of a low stress job. We encourage our guests to not just pick any job that is available to them. This type of behavior can lead to unwanted and unnecessary stress that can trigger a relapse. After you’ve applied to the jobs you think you’ll be happy with, it’s time to think about your interview.Substance Use Disorder Recovery Essay