Why is health promotion/education such an important component to behavioral change? Why do you think behavioral change is so difficult for an individual?

Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role. Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.
October 24, 2018
discusses the impact of early childhood stress on long-term physical or mental health Requirements and examples of a classic experimental design in the field of Nursing..
October 24, 2018

Why is health promotion/education such an important component to behavioral change? Why do you think behavioral change is so difficult for an individual?

Why is health promotion/education such an important component to behavioral change? Why do you think behavioral change is so difficult for an individual?

Find a media publication with a health message. Share the link. What population is this publication targeting and how do you know? Do you think it is effective or not? Why?  Which would offer the “best” type of information for healthcare delivery? Why?