What is the role of the community health nurse in managing chronic diseases.

which one do you think is the most dangerous and why?
October 3, 2019
Define chronic illness and give examples of the most common chronic diseases in your community.
October 3, 2019

What is the role of the community health nurse in managing chronic diseases.

What is the role of the community health nurse in managing chronic diseases.

1. Defined disaster and give examples of disasters that happened or are happening in your community Kendall ZIP 33193) and the role of the community health nurse in managing these disasters.

2. Defined natural and man made disasters and how they affect your community.(Kendall 33193)

3. Define chronic illness and give examples of the most common chronic diseases in your community.(Kendall 33193)

4. What is the role of the community health nurse in managing chronic diseases.

-An Arial 12 font, APA Format. A minimum of 600 words are required without counting the first and reference page.