What is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage?

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April 12, 2022
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April 12, 2022

What is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage?

What is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage?

The American Academy of Dermatology (2021) states that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Protecting our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays is imperative. However, the human body does benefit from a mild to moderate amount of UV radiation.

Initial post: What is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage? What are the advantages and disadvantages to sunscreens containing common active ingredients such as oxybenzone, octocrylene, and homosalate? Are there benefits to using mineral sunscreens, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide? How effective are natural sunscreens, such as coconut oil or shea butter? If a sunscreen product is not regulated by the FDA, how can you determine if the product’s claims are true?

Reply post: In your reply post, consider the research your classmate has posted and compare/contrast with your own research. Are there any inconsistencies? Discuss any similarities or differences in the information you found.