What changes can be made to ensure justice for the persons or groups involved in the article?

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What changes can be made to ensure justice for the persons or groups involved in the article?

  • What changes can be made to ensure justice for the persons or groups involved in the article?

The Principle of Justice

Justice is one of the five core ethical principles in healthcare. Using the South University Online Library, find a current article (no more than two years old) on social justice issues in healthcare. The article should also be peer-reviewed.

Note: Peer-reviewed refers to the articles reviewed and approved by authors’ professional peers who are experts on that topic.

After reading the article, prepare a 1- to 2-page synopsis of the content and main theme discussed in a Microsoft Word document. In addition, answer the following questions:

  • Does the article discuss justice in terms of procedural or distributive justice?
  • How is justice defined?
  • What will be the impact of the issues found in the article on the healthcare industry?
  • What changes can be made to ensure justice for the persons or groups involved in the article?

Support your responses with examples.