What are the most important motivations for the partnerships? Who are your key partners/suppliers?

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What are the most important motivations for the partnerships? Who are your key partners/suppliers?

What are the most important motivations for the partnerships? Who are your key partners/suppliers?

Business Model Canvas for LTC Consulting Partners Admin | April 15, 2017 Business Model Canvas for LTC Consulting Partners1 KEY PARTNERS (Who will help you?) Who are your key partners/suppliers? What are the most important motivations for the partnerships? Who are your key partners/suppliers? ? AZ Department of Health Services (ADHS) ? AZ Department of Economic Security (DES) Aging and Adult Services ? Family Caregivers ? LTC National Associations ? Federal Program Agencies (Administration on Aging, HIPAA, VA, DOJ) What are the most important motivations for the partnerships? 1. Make resident care and safety the number one priority in long-term care homes. 2. Commit to reduce incidents of abuse and neglect in long-term care homes and be accountable for achieving results. 3. Address legislative requirements and processes that detract from resident care and may be driving abuse and neglect underground. KEY RESOURCES (What do you need?) What key resources does your value proposition require? ? Specialized Trainings ? Start-up Capital ? Subject Matter Experts- Nursing Managers, Elder Care/Disability State Agency Representatives, Senior/Disability Legal Services ? Business Analyst (Statistical data/Research) ? Family Caregivers KEY ACTIVITIES (How do you do it?) What key activities does your value proposition require? What activities are most important for your distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams etc.? What key activities does your value proposition require? ? Project Management Methodology ? Process Improvement Business Models ? Training & Development What activities are most important for your distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams etc.? Communication ? Sharing information in an open and honest way ? Listening to others with an open mind Business Model Canvas for LTC Consulting Partners 2 ? Working to understand client’s views Commitment ? Establishing and keeping agreements; doing what you say you will do ? Maintaining personal integrity and mutual respect ? Resolving issues by following established rules and an escalation process Cooperation ? Working together toward common goals ? Joint problem solving Continuous Improvement ? Evaluating the progress of the partnership toward goals and learning what works and what doesn’t work. ? Identifying issues in a timely manner through the measurement reporting ? Using lessons learned and evaluation reports to determine opportunities for improvement and make the required changes. VALUE PROPOSITION (what do you do?) What core value do you deliver to your audience? Which needs are you satisfying? Business Summary Long-Term Care Consulting Partners is a Project Management Task Force designed to deliver lean business models that will restore operational structure and enforce accountability to skilled nursing/long-term care service providers that provide home care to vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens. What core value do you deliver to your audience? ? Fair Equality and Quality for Service for disadvantaged citizens. ? Advocating for resident care accountability and responsibility from LTC providers. Which needs are you satisfying? ? Reduce incidents of Resident Abuse and Neglect in LTC homes ? Increase educational standards for LTC personnel workers Business Model Canvas for LTC Consulting Partners 3 ? Advance the development of strong skilled administrators and managers AUDIENCE RELATIONSHIPS (How do you interact?) What relationship does the target audience expect you to establish? How can you integrate that into your work in terms of cost and format? What relationship does the target audience expect you to establish? LTC Consulting Group will establish a joint partnership with its ‘clients. Partnering is a structured process for collaboration and teamwork based upon common goals and objectives that allows groups to achieve measurable results through agreements and productive working relationships. Partnering helps form the basis for an excellent working relationship. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS (How do you reach them?) Through which channel does your audience want to be reached? Which channels work best? How much do they cost? How can they be integrated into your and your audience’s routines? ? Document Review/Case Studies-Seek out new clientele through researching current LTC deficiency audits reporting through state public records. ? Site Visits ? Local industry publications print ads ? Health/Human Services workshops, seminars and trade-shows ? Direct mail letters to healthcare associations and organizations and key partners Which channels work best? How much do they cost? ? Document Review/Case Studies- $100 (photocopying, vehicle fuel) AUDIENCE SEGMENTS (Who do you help?) Which groups are you creating value for? Who is your most important audience? ? The groups we are creating value for our long term care independent living and skilled nursing facilities and group home care providers. ? Family caregivers who provide residential care for an elderly or disabled family member. ? Our most important audience is seniors (65 years of age or older) and individuals of all ages with a disability. COST STRUCTURE (what will it cost?) What are the most important costs in your work? Which key resources/ activities are most expensive? ? Employee and contractual Labor ? Stationery ? business licenses and permits ? advertising and marketing ? subscriptions ? professional associations ? professional meetings, conferences and tradeshows ? shipping and postage Business Model Canvas for LTC Consulting Partners 4 ? legal services ? business cards Employee and contractual Labor are the most important cost at my company and will be the most expensive. REVENUE STREAM (How much will you make?) For what value are your audiences willing to pay? What and how do they recently pay? How would they prefer to pay? How much does every revenue stream contribute to the overall revenues?