The patent length for drugs to treat fatal diseases is reduced to five  Show more What are the Pros and Cons?

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The patent length for drugs to treat fatal diseases is reduced to five  Show more What are the Pros and Cons?

The patent length for drugs to treat fatal diseases is reduced to five  Show more What are the Pros and Cons?

The patent length for drugs to treat fatal diseases is reduced to five  Show more What are the Pros and Cons? 1. The patent length for drugs to treat fatal diseases is reduced to five years and all current patents for such drugs that are already more than five years old instantly expire. 2. The European Medicines Agency announces that it will instantly approve new drug applications that have shown any promise in treating Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease ( also known as mad cow disease) even if there are safety concerns or if the evidence of efficacy is not conclusive. 3. The US government allows patients to write themselves prescriptions on the weekends when physicians are typically not available.