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Studying Optometry  Essay

Studying Optometry  Essay

Optometry grants the opportunity to have a constructive impact on vision worldwide thus general health and well-being is improved drastically. It captivates me knowing that routinely eye checks do not only strengthen corrective vision, but also pick up crucial signs of health care. For example, droopy eyelids and irregular shaped pupils can possibly indicate a tumour or an aneurism, optometrists can indicate unhealthy blood sugar levels by examining kinks or tears in the back of the eye which suggests diabetes may be present. Studying Optometry Sample Essay

The multitudinous opportunities available in optometry is something I am diligent to learn. The A-levels I am currently completing, have given me the ability and skills to study optometry. Chemistry has taught me analytical skills as well the ability to carry out practical skills using a vast amount of scientific equipment which have provided me with life skills such as problem solving, accuracy and logic skills which I can continue on to the optometry course. Psychology gives me writing skills as well as being able to construct balanced arguments and draw conclusions from theories and explanations.