Sensitivity and specificity are important criteria for screening and diagnostic instruments. What is specificity?

Providing training or instructing patients on how to modify their diets and take their medications to prevent a second heart attack is an example of ________ prevention.
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The nurse researcher knows that there are two primary criteria for assessment of an instrument. What is reliability?
April 19, 2020

Sensitivity and specificity are important criteria for screening and diagnostic instruments. What is specificity?

Sensitivity and specificity are important criteria for screening and diagnostic instruments. What is specificity?


Sensitivity and specificity are important criteria for screening and diagnostic instruments. What is specificity? [ONE POINT]

A) Different method of measuring the same attributes yielding similar results
B) Ability to differentiate the construct being measured from other similar concepts
C) Instrument’s ability to identify a case correctly
D) Instrument’s ability to identify non-cases correctly.