Review what has been done in the past by others regarding your chosen policy issue(state of Florida).

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Review what has been done in the past by others regarding your chosen policy issue(state of Florida).

Review what has been done in the past by others regarding your chosen policy issue(state of Florida).


Students are to select a policy issue (Universal Healthcare Coverage Policy), research the issue including

policy analysis, plan the policy, and plan a call or meeting with a policymaker for the purpose of

presenting the issue, proposing recommendations and asking questions about how change can occur. The

student will reflect on the experience, develop plans for follow-up with the policymaker as needed, and

consider ways in which advocacy efforts can continue. Even with the passing of the Affordable Care Act, it

was difficult getting any medical coverage. Millions of American are still underinsured or uninsured due

to the high cost of health insurance. I want to call my state legislator (FL) and propose we make healthcare

in this country truly FREE and UNIVERSAL to all. I will use an Incrementalism model that will allow me

to bring the changes gradually without the public feelings of being overwhelmed or confused.

Please Use level 2 heading for Introduction, Key Points, Empirical Evidence and Specific Examples. Please

use references articles no more than 5 years old with DOI. Please CINAHL or EBSCO database if there is no

DOI with article (see below for instruction on guidelines and references).

1) Introduction

Introduction clearly introduces your policy-priority issue (Universal Healthcare Coverage policy),

current status, and overview of plan for legislative visit. Concluding statements summarizing content

have no inaccuracy.

2) Key Points

Providing a plan/message: Identification of all key strategies of your policy-priority issue plan, ask, and

recommendations are clearly analyzed and fully articulated.

1. Review what has been done in the past by others regarding your chosen policy issue(state of Florida).

What was the result of their actions related to this policy issue? Why is this issue important to nursing?

2. Who are the federal, state, and local policymakers involved in your chosen policy issue? (Senator Gwen

Margolis of Miami, Florida) How can you contact your policymaker? Do you have phone numbers,

addresses, immediate staff contacts, and more? Be sure you single out a policymaker whom you know is

interested in your issue.

3. What will be the plan for your legislative visit? When, where, and how?

4. What is the message you want to give to your selected policymaker/legislator? Can you present a

compelling ‘story’? Can you convey your passion and experience with the policy issue? Can you present

basic research data in an easy-to-understand and interesting way? What is your ‘Ask’? What are you

recommending? Please review the examples of a policy brief in your text or on the American Nurses

Association website. What are your expectations of the policymaker and for your visit in general?
3) Empirical Evidence
Recommendation: Empirical evidence supporting your policy- priority issue is clearly critiqued in a comprehensive and accurate manner. What specific supportive evidence do you have for this issue, including evidence and references? You will need to include this in your message/ask/recommendation(s).

1. How do you plan to convey your message? What considerations must you have in place with respect to time constraints, availability of policymaker, and contingency plans?

4) Specific Examples
Follow-up: Provide specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit and follow-up to nursing.
1. Can you include a presentation using PowerPoint, flip chart, or overheads in some way (email or mail ahead of the call)? Include the actual presentation slides (max of 5 slides)
2. What feedback did you get from your policymaker? What actions are you expecting of him/her/them? How did you leave things? Carefully review the Guidelines and Example below

APA Format
APA Format: Text, title page, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format 6th edition.
Writing Quality: Paper is appropriate in length. References include a minimum of 5 scholarly references excluding the course text. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work.

What is a scholarly resource?
A. A scholarly resource is one which comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication (e.g., journals and government reports such as FDA, CDC).
• Contains references for sources cited.
• Written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author(s)
• Is no more than 5 years old for clinical or research articles
• Inlcude DOI with references
B. What is not considered a scholarly resource
• Newspaper articles and lay person literature (Readers Digest, Healthy Life Magazine, Food and Fitness) can be sources for background about your topic for a project, but are not considered scholarly.
• Information from Wikipedia or any wiki
• Textbooks
• Website homepages
• The weekly lesson
• Articles in healthcare and nursing-oriented trade magazines, such as Nursing Made Incredibly Easy and RN Magazine (Source: What is a scholarly article.docx Created: 6/09 CK/CL Revised: 2/17/11, 09/02/11 nlh/clm)