Research the nursing work of one of the nurses mentioned in chapter two of your prescribed text

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Research the nursing work of one of the nurses mentioned in chapter two of your prescribed text


Research the nursing work of one of the nurses mentioned in chapter two of your prescribed text


Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements ESSAY QUESTION: Research the nursing work of one of the nurses mentioned in chapter two of your prescribed text. Based on this research how would your chosen nurse measure up against the current Australian Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse? It is expected that your essay will address/contain the following information: 1. The name of your chosen nurse. 2. An overview of the nursing work carried out by your chosen nurse. 3. A discussion and/or evaluation of how your chosen nurse would measure up against the current Australian Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. REFERENCES:……………… Please note: 1. A minimum of four peer reviewed journal articles must required. Rest can be from other trusted and relevant sources. Remember, your in-text citations consist of author…