Research different popular nontraditional health care practices.

Create a visual representation of the relationship between health policy and legislation, regulation, finance, and practice
April 25, 2020
For this assignment, you should be interviewing a person who has expertise about a topic you are interested in
April 25, 2020

Research different popular nontraditional health care practices.

Research different popular nontraditional health care practices..  Nontraditional Health Care Practices


Research different popular nontraditional health care practices. Write a 1,000-1,200 word paper exploring nontraditional health care practices and include the following:
Describe nontraditional health care practices in different cultures. Compare at least three cultures.
Explain how these practices affect wellness and prevention in different cultures.
Identify the nontraditional health care options in your areas, and identify the number of people choosing to use them over traditional medical practices. Propose reasons why the number of people using nontraditional health care options is rising.