Provide four nursing interventions/actions the RN can take to promote good nutrition for people eating on a budget.

Leatt and colleagues (1997) recommended nine approaches for successful cost cutting. Which approaches are demonstrated in your case?
November 14, 2018
What specific education or preparation is required for the role (include degree and topic of study such as bachelors degree in nursing).
November 14, 2018

Provide four nursing interventions/actions the RN can take to promote good nutrition for people eating on a budget.

Provide four nursing interventions/actions the RN can take to promote good nutrition for people eating on a budget.

In 2011 the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced the My Plate initiative to help Americans make healthy food choices and to be active every day. Click on the link and review The 3Ps -Plan Purchase and Prepare Food on a Budget. Provide four nursing interventions/actions the RN can take to promote good nutrition for people eating on a budget. Be sure to provide a rationale for each intervention/action