Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Voice Abortion

Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Voice Abortion

One of the most controversial topics in the past couple of years is abortion. This topic has been brought to the Supreme Court by Roe v. Wade in America and to the Supreme Court in Canada during R v. Morgentaler. Since Roe v. Wade, many cases have been judged under that decision. From then, women have been judged and forced to do what the law says even if the law significantly decreases her chances of receiving a healthy and safe abortion. We frequently talk about these restrictive abortion laws and the sides of this debate, pro-life and pro-choice. We talk about statistics, but never why the two sides exist. We talk about opinions but never let people feel comfortable speaking their minds. Both sides believe they are correct and never give the option to see what the other has to say. To clarify, many conservative people choose to believe that every life deserves a chance to live and that abortion is ultimately murder. On the other hand, many liberals believe women should have the choice to abort and that it is not considered murder because the fetus does not feel pain. Each side believes that they have better morals on this topic which means they could never peacefully exist together, but we have the capability of accomplishing this with time and patience. I believe, along with the author, Aspen Baker, that we can lead our country to a harmonious compromise where “Pro-life people can support the legal right to have an abortion and pro-choice people can hope for a world free of the need for abortion” (Baker 1).Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Voice Abortion