Awareness of ADHD of Children Assignment

Awareness of ADHD of Children Assignment

Millions of US children are diagnosed with psychological disorders. ADHD is one of the most common out there. Children with ADHD have difficulty focusing and keeping themselves calm and controlled. This can be so severe that it interferes with their ability to reach their full potential. Even more detrimental is the inability for many adults to understand or properly interact with children with ADHD. ADHD is a very real condition.

ADHD is one of the most controversial topics in the psychiatric health world. Approximately 72% of people believe ADHD is real, while 28% think it isn’t (Debate: ADHD). ADHD is a complicated disorder to diagnose. People who believe ADHD isn’t real say there is nothing to prove the disease, that it is all just based off of a doctor’s opinion. ADHD can’t be seen with a brain scan or blood tests, so doctors have to rely on other methods to diagnose the disease. DSM requires a patient to exhibit only 5 out of the 18 symptoms in order to be diagnosed (Time). This causes some to say it is overdiagnosed. Awareness of ADHD of Children Assignment

On the contrary, ADHD diagnosis is not taken lightly. There are multiple steps taken to make an accurate diagnosis. Medical professionals review the patient’s history, and from many sources such as. For example, teachers, parents, coaches, etc. (Science-Based Medicine). According to a commenter on Debate, “Of course ADHD is real! It’s been proven time and time again. It is not caused by poor parenting, sugar, or too much TV or video games, contrary to popular belief. It doesn’t discriminate against gender, age, race, religion, or social class. It is a spectrum disorder. Some who have it may have it slightly while some have it severely”. More than ⅔ of children with ADHD also have another psychological condition. Anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, and learning disorders are some examples (CHADD). While it is true that all children can get bored easily at times, act impulsive, or have a lack of focus, children with ADHD exhibit severe versions of those symptoms. According to Figure 1 from The Washington Post, Girls will be withdrawn, have low self-esteem, and verbally aggressive. This causes them to get in trouble at school, home, and any other place they may be. As you can see in Figure 2, boys will be affected differently. They will be extremely impulsive and act out, hoping to receive attention. They can be physically aggressive. These children don’t know how else to get attention and are so unfocused they act out.