Please share what you consider to be the value of a caring base perspective specific to your planned role in healthcare which is a Nurse Leader

Description of professional organization that offers certification: Missionvisionvalues membership eligibility financial implications workable link to website
July 18, 2018
Respond to the assigned Discussion about (ARDS & VAP) give a complete and thorough answer
July 23, 2018

Please share what you consider to be the value of a caring base perspective specific to your planned role in healthcare which is a Nurse Leader

Nursing descriprition;Duffy J. (2013) Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems. New York. Springer
Read Chapters 1 2 5 6 7 and 12 in Duffy J. (2013) Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems. New York. Springer
Please read Dyess S. Boykin A. Bulfin J. (2013). Hearing the voice of nurses in Cared Based Practice. Nursing Science Quarterly. 26(2) 167-173.
Please share what you consider to be the value of a caring base perspective specific to your planned role in healthcare which is a Nurse Leader. Please share what caring theory supports your perspective.
Must be written in a scholarly fashion and include at least one reference that has not been provided in the class materials. This means you must find an article in the library that relates to the question and adds new information to the discussion.
Use the Reference below and find one more reference not provided in the class materials
DuffyJ.(2013) Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems.New York.Springer