Physical, Cognitive, Emotional,Behavioral, and Spiritual.

The Human Resource Management function over the past ten years toward serving in the role of a strategic partner or leader in the organization?
June 24, 2018
Correctional employees are constantly exposed to individuals with criminal tendencies.
June 24, 2018

Physical, Cognitive, Emotional,Behavioral, and Spiritual.

Physical, Cognitive, Emotional,Behavioral, and Spiritual.

Respond to each question in 2-4 pages per question for a total of 4-8 pages of text, plus atitle and reference page, providing original examples where indicated.1. The response to life threatening illness can be very complex. Chapter 5 describes fiveareas of response by those with life threatening illnesses: Physical, Cognitive, Emotional,Behavioral, and Spiritual. Select two from the list of Cognitive, Emotional, Behavioral,and Spiritual. Discuss, as a professional, how you will need to be prepared to help theclient work through these issues.2. Reflecting on the chapter, Understanding the Illness Experience, select one of theidentified groups: Infancy and Early Childhood, School-Age Child, Adolescence, TheYoung Adult, The Middle-Aged Adult, and The Older Adult. Then, discuss psychologicaland social impact they may experience as a result of a life threatening illness. Doka, K. (2014). Counseling Individuals with Life-Threatening Illness (2nd ed.). New York:Springer.