Peer Pressure versus Health Hazards in Tobacco

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Peer Pressure versus Health Hazards in Tobacco

Peer Pressure versus Health Hazards in Tobacco

By now, almost everyone knows that smoking and other tobacco use causes cancer. But did you know its also the number one cause of heart disease and emphysema, too? When you smoke tobacco, the effects on your body are immediate. Your pulse increases. Breathing becomes faster and more shallow. Circulation begins to drop. Poisonous compounds like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia gas enter your bloodstream. Meanwhile, nicotine begins to feed the cycle of addiction. If youre allergic to smoke or susceptible to asthma (and if you smoke, the chances of developing asthma rise sharply), flare-ups and chest spasms can begin quickly. Over the medium term, you become much more susceptible to colds, flu and pneumonia.Peer Pressure versus Health Hazards in Tobacco

The reason for starting tobacco use is usually for social acceptance or peer pressure and the effects of tobacco use are usually negative. People are usually pressured into using tobacco. Who actually wants the negative effects of using tobacco? I know very few people, if any, which think about the consequences before they start, and know very few people who start because they really want to. Ive never heard of a story of someone who wakes up one morning and says to themselves, I think Ill start smoking today. It is usually motivated by someone or something.Peer Pressure versus Health Hazards in Tobacco