New Healthcare Insurance Law Assignment

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New Healthcare Insurance Law Assignment

New Healthcare Insurance Law Assignment

In the article “Healthcare law could leave families with high-insurance costs”, Pecquet (2011) observes that a major provision in the healthcare law reform works to restrict business corporations from stopping to provide for health insurance coverage for their employees.New Healthcare Insurance Law Assignment This will undoubtedly leave most families in the United States without access to health insurance policies that are sufficiently subsidized. Specifically, at issue is what Pesquet (2011) refers to as a “firewall in the law that denies subsidies to workers whose employers offer quality and affordable coverage of health insurance.” This constitutional provision applies on plans costing below 9.5 per cent of an employee’s earnings. The situation is so helpless that workers in this category have no choice but to dole out more money than ever from their income in order to pay for the coverage. This is because the insurance coverage by the employer is unaffordable, thus making the employee responsible for their own healthcare bills to be brought about by the new policies.