Money Back Guarantee

Be careful when placing an order with an academic writing company that doesn’t provide clear cut guidelines on how to get your money back in case you decide to cancel an order, paid twice for an order or placed two similar orders accidentally. However, at UK Masters Papers we guarantee your money back in case of either of the above-mentioned scenarios. Additionally, we refund our clients in case of quality concerns.

Why We Have Money Back Guarantee Policy

With our Money Back Guarantee Policy, our clients have a right to receive or request for refunds no matter the stage of their orders, in case something doesn’t go as anticipated. UK Masters Papers enjoys high satisfaction rates from customers and requests for refund are rare probably due to our clearly stipulated Money Back Guarantee. In case you request for a refund, your request will be processed within 3-5 working days.

Canceling an Order

In case you decide to cancel an order, you will receive a 100% refund. However, this is the case if UK Masters Papers is yet to assign your order to one of our writers. Note that Money Back Guarantee refund amount might vary with your deadline. Additionally, bear in mind that it is almost impossible to be issued with a refund if you cancel your order after your essay has been completed and timely delivered to you. If your essay has been delivered following your stipulated deadline, you can only ask for a refund if you have quality concerns. This should be done through our able customer support representatives.

Paper Lateness

If your paper is late because you didn’t upload additional materials on time, you have no right to request for lateness refund. Therefore, ensure that you provide all essay details together with additional materials when placing your order with UK Masters Papers. If your dissertation is late and you had provided all the additional materials on time, we guarantee full refund. Additionally, if it is our fault that your lab report is late, we offer discounts for your upcoming orders.

How to Request for Refunds?

Making clients happy is our main objective. That’s why we put in place proper guidelines to follow when requesting for a refund. In case you want your money back, feel free to engage our able customer support representatives. They will provide answers you need to cancel your order, and they will help you get your money back. Our customer support representatives are always online 24/7 thus you can engage them at your convenience.

We work to minimize refund cases by offering our clients numerous opportunities when placing orders and when uploading essays. For instance, we give our clients an opportunity to review orders when placing them. Additionally, during submission, our clients have the chance to go through their essays and if necessary request for additional corrections. However, once a client has approved the essay, they cannot ask for a full refund. Note that in the case of quality issues, we offer countless proofreading, editing, and re-writing services to ensure that your thesis, essay or lab report meets your quality standards.