Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow

Continuity Of Care
June 8, 2021
Discuss the signs and symptoms of shock
June 8, 2021

Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow

Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow

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“Middle range nursing theory of chronic sorrow”.Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow





Middle Range nursing theory of chronic sorrow: Definition (Eakes et a., 1998)

Definition was re-conceptualized on (Eakes et al., 1999)


Make reference to this diagram. Theoretical Model of chronic sorrowMention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow





Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow: Birth of a disabled child (cerebral Palsy), diagnostic of chronic illness, death of a loved one, Mental disabilities like Autism Spectrum Disorder)Mention unexpected events that causes chronic sorrow


Triggers events that bring disparities.

Influence of family understanding, social support, coping behavior and competence on the chronic sorrow perspective