If Your Course Project Is Traditional-Based Training: Submit a detailed outline (a minimum of 4 pages) of the training.

Use semantic languages such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), Extensible Markup Language (XML), Web Ontology Language (WOL), and Extensible HTML (XHTML) to provide description for Web documents.
April 17, 2020
What is the difference between cash-basis accounting and accrual accounting?
April 17, 2020

If Your Course Project Is Traditional-Based Training: Submit a detailed outline (a minimum of 4 pages) of the training.

If Your Course Project Is Traditional-Based Training: Submit a detailed outline (a minimum of 4 pages) of the training.


For this part of your course project, submit one of the following: If Your Course Project Is Traditional-Based Training: Submit a detailed outline (a minimum of 4 pages) of the training. If Your Course Project Is Technology-Based Training: Submit a detailed storyboard (in Word or PowerPoint) of the training. In your outline or storyboard, also […]