Identify leadership strategies you plan to implement throughout the execution of your action plan.

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Identify leadership strategies you plan to implement throughout the execution of your action plan.

Identify leadership strategies you plan to implement throughout the execution of your action plan.
Strategic Planning : Action Plan Sample


Use your completed strategy map to formulate functional-level strategy for the primary business functions included in your plan. Functional-level strategies are the action plans used by departments within organizations to support the execution of business-level strategy at the managerial level. Create a 500-750 word action plan that addresses the following:

Identify which management tactics and strategies you will implement to meet your strategic goals for each of the stakeholders, departments, or business functions impacted by your plan: standing plans, competitive advantage, contingency planning, building scenarios, crisis planning, and innovation.
Provide an explanation of how you will apply managerial decision-making methods throughout your action plan.
Which business functions will be impacted by your action plan? What tactics will you use to manage implementation across business functions? What can you do to enhance collaboration/cross-functionality to ensure the success of your plan?
Identify leadership strategies you plan to implement throughout the execution of your action plan. In particular, explain which strategies you would implement to foster team collaboration among the multiple stakeholders who must collaborate to successfully implement the plan. Why do you think these will be successful? Strategic Planning : Action Plan Sample

Management Tactics and Strategies

Cook County HHS has numerous departments but the department that is most affected with high mortalities and morbidity rate is the surgical department. This department comprises of nurses and doctors providing surgical care to patients with different conditions. So that the outlined goals are efficiently and adequately achieved, it is necessary that action plans are made for the surgical department. The strategic goal of the Surgical Department of Cook County HHS is to provide the best surgical care to patients by observing excellence standards by improving communication processes between nurses and doctors. The department also seeks to provide educational programs in effective communication and how it impacts surgical clinical care.

To realize these strategic goals for every stakeholder, department, and organization impacted by the action plan, the following management tactics will be used. Crisis planning will allow the staff in the surgical department to cope with abrupt and unanticipated events which could occur as a result of lack of or poor communication between nurses and doctors and have a negative impact on the care given to patients if there are no immediate responses (Nutt, 2009). A contingency plan will also be formulated to define the actions that the staffs of the surgical department would take to ensure efficient communication in case of an emergency, a setback or a condition that may be unanticipated due to poor or lack of communication.

Another management tactic that will be used is Management by Objective (MBO) where the nurses, doctors of the surgical department and the hospital administrator will define the goals for each cadre within the department and use these goals to monitor subsequent performance responses (Nutt, 2009). The Management by Means approach (MBM) is another management tactic that will lay emphasis on the techniques and processes used to achieve the goals. Finally, are single-use plans which will purposely be created to attain the goal of improving communication processes between nurses and doctors and this is less likely to be repeated in the future.

Managerial Decision-Making Methods

In the entire action plan, managerial decision-making methods will be applied through the establishment of objectives. This approach will help to ensure that any decisions made address the major issues within the surgical department and provide opportunities for growth and development. In the execution of this action plan, the classical decision-making model will be used (Nilsen, 2015). The classical decision-making model ensures unlimited access to information, helps to eliminate uncertainties and can easily be used to predict the future. This decision-making model assumes that managers ought to have full access to accurate and complete information and can thereafter be able to make optimal decisions by weighing every available alternative (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 2011).Strategic Planning : Action Plan Sample

This model recommends several actions that can be followed by managers to make the most suitable decision. Four major assumptions will be made based on this model: a clearly defined problem, an environment that is certain, accurate and full information and lastly is that any decisions made are rational. The entire process will start with the definition of the problem alongside potential solutions, a thorough evaluation of the solutions provided will be done and alternative courses of action will be sought. Lastly, the final decision will be executed.

Business Functions That Will Be Impacted By the Action Plan

All business functions within the surgical department and the hospital, in general, will be impacted by the action plan. The first function to be impacted will be the provision and organization of surgical care which will be intensified and provided based on healthcare teams as compared to individual capacity (Bouhali et al., 2015). Training and development of staff will also be impacted since nurses and doctors will require more training on effective communication and how it promotes good health outcomes within the surgical unit. The function of hiring, recruitment, and retention of staff will also be impacted such that, a new hiring policy that promotes cultural diversity will be embraced. This will help to address the challenges of language and cultural barriers that lead to poor communication when providing surgical care to patients in the clinical setting (Nilsen, 2015).


Leadership Strategies To Implement Throughout The Execution of the Action Plan

Participatory leadership and Authoritative leadership will alternately be used during the execution of the action plan. Participatory leadership will provide an equal platform for both internal and external stakeholders who are directly involved in the strategic plan (Huber, 2017). This means that all stakeholders will be provided with pertinent information regarding issues faced by staff and patients in the surgical department. In other instances, based on the courses of action that will be presented, participatory leadership will allow a majority vote from stakeholders and this will determine the course of action to be taken by the surgical staff and administration. In cases where staff may prove to be uncooperative, authoritative leadership will be best suited to implement the action plan. This means that the hospital administrator will have to dictate procedures and policies, will decide the goals to be achieved, direct and control all activities with minimal or no participation of other stakeholders(Huber, 2017). Strategic Planning : Action Plan Sample


Bouhali, R., Mekdad, Y., Lebsir, H., & Ferkha, L. (2015). Leader roles for innovation: Strategic thinking and planning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 181, 72-78.

Finkelstein, S., & Hambrick, D. C. (2011). Strategic leadership: Top executives and their effects on organizations. South-Western Pub.

Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and Nursing Care Management-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Nutt, P. C. (2009). Selecting tactics to implement strategic plans. Strategic Management Journal, 10(2), 145-161.

Nilsen, P. (2015). Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. Implementation Science, 10(1), 53. Strategic Planning : Action Plan Sample