Identify a model of care that you would use in your work with this person. Provide a brief critique of the evidence base for this model and discuss the model of care in relation to a recovery model of care.

Using at least two peer reviewed articles describe one national and international strategy that has been successful in addressing your chosen health priority.
April 20, 2020
Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing.
April 20, 2020

Identify a model of care that you would use in your work with this person. Provide a brief critique of the evidence base for this model and discuss the model of care in relation to a recovery model of care.

Identify a model of care that you would use in your work with this person. Provide a brief critique of the evidence base for this model and discuss the model of care in relation to a recovery model of care.


This assignment is to be a maximum length of 2000 words (+ or – 10%).
This assessment task requires you to be able to relate the ‘theory’ covered in this course to your practice. To clearly ground your discussion in clinical practice, prepare a brief overview of a ‘case study’ from your clinical practice.
NB: If you are not currently working in a community setting, choose a ‘case study’ from your clinical practice (e.g. a person you have worked with during their admission to an inpatient unit, who was then discharged to care in the community).
• Identify a model of care that you would use in your work with this person. Provide a brief critique of the evidence base for this model and discuss the model of care in relation to a recovery model of care.
• Describe how you would implement this model of care
• Identify potential barriers/impediments to effectiveness, including:
o Service factors that may interfere with care delivery
o Clinician behaviours, attitudes, assumptions and judgments
o A potential ethical or moral dilemma associated with implementing community based mental health care delivery within a recovery framework
• Critique options for effectively addressing the barriers/impediments you have identified
• Include in your discussion the collaborative processes by which you would engage the person and the additional services (e.g. NGO resources, Commonwealth funded programs, carer and family supports, consumer support groups) relevant to the needs of the person.