How would you label a situation where the deadline is almost up?

Government agents observed a man in his parked car talking of his cell phone.
June 24, 2018
Why Program Design is Important?
June 24, 2018

How would you label a situation where the deadline is almost up?

How would you label a situation where the deadline is almost up?

1.) Habit #3 says that we should: a.Make better lists b.Make multiple lists c.Manage ourselves better d.Manage our time better2.) Habit 3 is about what kind of management?a Life management.b Goal management.c Time management and life. managementd Time management. 3.) First things are those you personally find of most worth True False 4.) How would you label a situation where the deadline is almost up?a Not urgent and. importantb Urgent and important.c Urgent and not. importantd Not urgent and not . important 5.)What are “first things” according to Covey?:a Tasks that you write on your lists.b Things you do for other people.c Things that must be done urgently.d Things you personally find of most. worth 6.) Habit 3 is the:a Second. creationb Third. creationc Fourth. creationd First creation. 7.) Not doing everything that comes along is a sign of:a Being OK.b Laziness.c A selfish way to live.d Poor time. management 8.) Habit 3 is the third creation, the emotional one True False 9.) In Covey’s matrix he says that we should first focus on those things that are:A No Important.B Not urgent and. importantC. Urgent andimportant D Not urgent and not. important 10.) Habit 3 is the second creation or thea Physical. creationb mental creation.c emotional. creationd creative. creation 11.) Covey argues that you should never be in a situation where you have to say no tosomethingTrueFalse 12.) When saying no to a request, you should be able to back it up with:a An apology.b Expressing how bad you feel.c A promise to do it the next day.d The ability to say that you have something more important that. you have to do 13.) Habit 3 is about:a Your purpose.b Your priorities.c All of the above.d Your values, roles and. priorities 14.) Habit #3 is where: a Habits 1 and 2 come. togetherb Good time management.c Perseverance.d We move on from habits 1. and 2 15.) Habit 3 suggests the use of a daily planner True False 16.) If you put first things first you are:a Selfish.b Self prioritizing.c Not managing your time. welld Disorganzied. 17.) Putting first things first means toa Prioritize.b Write everything. downc Be organized.d Make lists. 18.) Covey suggests you should not focus on unimportant things to become:a A reliable person.b A person who can’t. say noc An effective person.d A busy person. 19.) According to Covey’s 3rd habit, if you focus on something now, you won’t have to focuson it: a Tomorrow.b All of the below.c When it is too late to get. doned When it becomes urgent. 20.)Putting first things first is considered selfish by Covey True False