How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution.

Provide an overview of the author’s research problem, research questions and main point including how the author supports his or her point.
April 20, 2020
Explain how you will incorporate the theory into your project.
April 20, 2020

How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution.

How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution.


1. A discussion of the possible application of the borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) to improve health promotion patient education in primary care clinic.

2. How to integrate Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model with expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory as a solution. 1000 Words