How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?

Create a resume detailing your license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills.
October 5, 2018
Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline.
October 5, 2018

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?

Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?

Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?

Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?