Hospital’s Security Management Policies

Managed Care in the Health Sector
April 14, 2021
Successful Operational Planning and Implementation
April 14, 2021

Hospital’s Security Management Policies

Hospital’s Security Management Policies


With the advent of technological advancement and heightened security issues, there is need to handle data with a lot of care. This data protection policy has been created to enable each staff member in our hospital to handle data with a lot of care. As you follow our security policies, please remember the following. First, you should process and obtain information from our database fairly meaning that you should use it when necessary. Second, you should secure any information that you obtain from our databases meaning that you should use it for lawful purposes only (Krause, 2006). Third, you should not retain the data more than you need it.Hospital’s Security Management Policies

As a way of ensuring that our data is protected, the following information needs to be protected. First, information relating to customers should be handled with a lot of care. This means that unauthorized individuals should not have access to this data. In this regard, all of you are to secure your log in details by ensuring that they are not exposed to anyone (Rabasa, Brebbia, & Bia, 2013). At the same time, you need to secure information relating to doctors and the hospital by exercising due diligence. Second, the institution is to secure the wireless connection through Wi-Fi protected access, and it will also define efficient policies to safeguard our wireless security.  Third, in terms of physical security, every staff member should not leave his/her computer unlocked at the same time he/she should not log in to his/her computer and leave without logging out. Furthermore, all patients’ records are to be placed in the information store and unauthorized access should not be allowed into the store. Fourth, all your passwords will be stored into our computers as secret codes (Sharma, 2014). At the same time, each of you is to secure his/her username and should change these details after three months.Hospital’s Security Management Policies