History of nursing and health care system in Australia

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History of nursing and health care system in Australia

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HLTEN401B Work in the Nursing Profession Task 2
History of nursing and health care system in Australia

Activity 1

1.1 To understand how nursing works and has evolved, it is essential to revisit history and the events that led to changes in the profession.

Australian History – Who is Lucy Osborn? ( 20-40 words)

How has Nursing education evolved in Australia? (60 words)

Now that you understand the historical and current development of the nursing profession and nurse education, comment on how this perspective has changed the nursing profession and nursing education. In your answer, ensure you include information on the organisation which enforce/regulates and guides the practice of nursing professionals. – Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and why this regulatory bodies is beneficial to the profession and the wider community (150 words)

1.3 Today there are many groups/organisations associated with the Nursing profession that further the interests of the health industry by serving as a central ‘voice’ or advocate by communicating with government, other sectors and the public at large on behalf of their members.

Describe your understanding of the role and function of each of the following professional/industrial groups and their relevance to the practice of the Enrolled Nurse: (40 words each)

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC),

Joanna Briggs Institute/Cochrane collaboration,

Australian College of Nursing

Australian Nursing Federation.

Queensland Nurses Union
Activity 2

Disabilities and their major causes (200 words)

From the main classifications for disabilities (internet site as per your learning guide), chose a disability and design learning program specific to that disability for a non-English speaking individual, and describe how you would implement this nursing care.


The major causes of the disease
Define the wellness and illness model
The nursing care you would provide for this client
How the wellness and illness factors affect the nursing practice
The role of the EN in this health care setting
List which other health care professionals you might consult when planning this education process