Health Care after Introduction of Affordable Care

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Health Care after Introduction of Affordable Care

Health Care after Introduction of Affordable Care

Troy, T.D. and Wilson, D.M. (2015). The Affordability of Employer Sponsored Care and the ACA Exchange Health Care Plans. American Health Policy Institute. The article raises an important problem of the effective development of the contemporary health care after the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The authors develop the critical perspective on the impact of the health care reform under the ACA and, more specifically, the authors conduct the detailed analysis of how the ACA has changed the health care coverage by employers and under the ACA and the impact of such changes on the accessibility of the health care services to Americans.  T.D. Troy and D.M. Wilson (2015) argue that the introduction of the ACA has changed the health care funding landscape and discouraged employers from covering health care costs of many employees and their families. In such a situation, the main issue that emerges it the problem of the decrease of the employer-covered health care plan and the increase of the state-sponsored health care plans. However, this is not just the matter of changes of the source of funding of health care plans but it is the matter of accessibility of health care services because employees, who have lost employer coverage of health care plans may confront the problem of the considerable reduction of health care services available to them. Employers could offer attractive health care coverage plans to attract employees, to retain them and motivate them to work better. Instead, government-sponsored health care plans are standardized and they do not intend to make health care plans more attractive to people, but they just offer them the coverage of their basic health care costs to make health care services affordable. Health Care after Introduction of Affordable Care