Explain the distinction between patient-driven competition and payer-driven competition. Give examples of how these two types of competition would lead to different outcomes in a hospital market.

Describe how cost information relates to the three key activities of management: planning, budgeting, and control.
November 7, 2018
Develop an institution wide approach which would acknowledge and address moral distress within the organization
November 7, 2018

Explain the distinction between patient-driven competition and payer-driven competition. Give examples of how these two types of competition would lead to different outcomes in a hospital market.

Explain the distinction between patient-driven competition and payer-driven competition. Give examples of how these two types of competition would lead to different outcomes in a hospital market.

List advantages and disadvantages of employer-based private health insurance
Describe the effect of mandated insurance benefits on health insurance markets
Differentiate between health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations
Describe a typology to understand health care systems that rely in substantial financing from private sources.
In the context of private health insurance, what does the statement “this porridge is too hot” mean? What are some policy concerns if the porridge is really too hot? What kind of regulations can government adopt to ensure that the porridge is “just right”? How does the government run the risk that the porridge will be too cold? Explain your answers.

Explain the distinction between patient-driven competition and payer-driven competition. Give examples of how these two types of competition would lead to different outcomes in a hospital market.

Compose a mock entry “Bright Idea” for the Cost of Care competition (500 words). The abstract format should include objective, approach/methods, and anticipated outcomes/results.

Next, compose 3-4 pages (double-spaced) of cogent analysis concerning which health economic principles and concepts are involved (or otherwise important to reflect upon) in the innovation that you propose. Note that both Parts 1 and 2 should be submitted as 1 document.