Explain how the globalization of healthcare can impact the improvement and outcome of healthcare results and subsequently improve healthcare costs.

MAllen_mod4_Credentialing Healthcare Providers.
August 11, 2022
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August 11, 2022

Explain how the globalization of healthcare can impact the improvement and outcome of healthcare results and subsequently improve healthcare costs.

Explain how the globalization of healthcare can impact the improvement and outcome of healthcare results and subsequently improve healthcare costs.

The globalization of healthcare has provided opportunities for many organizations to rapidly develop their products and to expand their network of customers. But with this globalization, we also need to realize there are also a number of important economic and public health concerns.

Healthcare organizations have an obligation to understand the interdependencies inherent in their supply chains, and to examine their supply chain practices through a strategic lens focused on the public’s health. We are seeing changes in where and how many healthcare products are produced and this is not always in the best interest of U.S. hospitals or our patients.