Explain how successful communication is used throughout a change process to convey vision and strategies to stakeholders.

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Explain how successful communication is used throughout a change process to convey vision and strategies to stakeholders.

Explain how successful communication is used throughout a change process to convey vision and strategies to stakeholders.
LDR 615 Communication in conveying Vision and Strategies to Stakeholders

Explain how successful communication is used throughout a change process to convey vision and strategies to stakeholders. What may be occurring with the communication process if the change process begins to fail?

Apryl Thimsen
Posted Date
Nov 10, 2021, 7:17 PM
It is so important to have successful communication in order to give a clear vision of change and the strategies to the stakeholders of an organization. Successful communication allows all stakeholders to feel more engaged and give them a clear understanding of the direction that the organization is going in. Stakeholders form opinions and feel different emotions based on how change and the communication that comes with change are handled (Lewis 2011). Successful communication will allow stakeholders to be engaged resulting in positive emotions towards the changes being made. If the change process were to start to fail, it could be a result of many things but communication might be one reason. If the communication is lacking in the sense that stakeholders are not engaged then the change wouldn’t bring positivity to the organization which could cause it to fail. If the communication overall is lacking resulting from higher management not wanting to speak out about the failures that could affect how the stakeholders react and act to their leadership. As a leader communicating even if the change is a failure is so important as it keeps the stakeholders in the loop and allows them to see that it is an opportunity to learn and grow from past failures.
Lewis, Laurie K.. ( © 2011). Organizational change: creating change through strategic communication. [Books24x7 version] Available from http://library.books24x7.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/toc.aspx?bookid=41650.
Erica Richmond
Posted Date
Nov 7, 2021, 10:40 PM
Replies to Apryl Thimsen
Managerial Communication
Hi Class,
Let’s discuss communication and change initiatives from a managerial perspective. What role does managerial communication play in the emergence of an organization’s consensus surrounding change?
Dr. E
• AD
Amy Doblado
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 8, 2021, 10:25 AM
Replies to Erica Richmond
The department managers are responsible for communicating the change initiative, the strategies used during the change and will be responsible for overseeing the implementation phase. Managers help build awareness of the need to change through dispersing what the change is, why it is needed, how it will occur, how it will affect the team, and answering any questions related to change. Furthermore, the managerial team are communicators and serve as liaisons, advocators, resistance managers, and coaches throughout the entire change process (CLARC: The role of people managers in change management, n.d.). All these roles are essential to implement a change management process and improve sustainability successfully.
CLARC: The role of people managers in change management. Prosci. (n.d.). https://www.prosci.com/resources/articles/clarc-the-role-of-people-managers-in-change-management.
• MG
Martin Giuffre
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 8, 2021, 1:06 PM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Dr. E
Managerial communication plays a vital role in knowledge sharing; management uses effective communication to set clear expectations, establish responsibilities, and maximize the team’s performance (Juenja, 2015). Managerial communication would influence completing tasks, and by using effective communication, leadership would delegate responsibilities, maintaining open communication channels, which would lead to transparency and help create a safe environment (Juenja, 2015). Managerial communication would play an essential role in motivating stakeholders, and during times of crisis, effective communication by leadership would help to give the stakeholders a sense of security (Juenja, 2015). Merrell (2012), stated, “managers are better at making change real for their people. The best invest in their managers and give them effective training and support in managing through change, making the changes real and engaging for their teams. We found that the majority (82%) do actually provide training for their managers to help them manage through change.”

Juneja, P. (2015). Importance of communication in change management. Management Study Guide. https://www.managementstudyguide.com/action-research-for-successful-organizational-change.htm

Merrell, P. (2012). Effective change management: The simple truth. Management Services, 56(2), 20-23. https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/effective-change-management-simple-truth/docview/1027234230/se-2?accountid=7374

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LDR 615 Communication in conveying Vision and Strategies to Stakeholders
LDR 615 Communication in conveying Vision and Strategies to Stakeholders

• JA
Jessica Albracht
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 8, 2021, 4:38 PM
Replies to Erica Richmond
1. Creasey (n.d) states that a managers ability to lead will help determine if a change initiative is successful! It is important for managers to facilitate certain actions during the change process and this includes: Communicate with direct reports about the change, demonstrate support for the change, coach employees through the change, engage with and provide support to the project team, and identify and manage resistance (Creasey, n.d.). Managers need to voice expectations for the change initiative in a clear way that the staff can understand. They can also serve as role models during the implementation process!

Creasey, T. (n.d.). The role of managers in change management. https://blog.prosci.com/the-role-of-managers-in-the-3-phases-of-change-management
• DH
Denisha Harris
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 8, 2021, 7:52 PM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Hello Dr. E and Class,
I think communications skills are very important for all managers and leaders. Having good communication skills allow managers and leaders to perform their roles more effectively throughout the organization. Good leaders, and managers role is to communicate different topic to many people effectively and clear enough for others to understand. The main key is to accomplish the goal at hand through the changing process.
• DB
Diana Bittle
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 8, 2021, 10:34 PM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Hi Dr. E,
“It takes a whole team of people to create a great company but just one lousy leader to take the whole business down the pan” (Blanchard, 2010, p. 44). Managerial communication is essential within the organization and stakeholders. “Managing change is a critical component of any major transformation. It is a necessary process that helps companies successfully implement new strategies. Change management gets results by building sponsorship from the top, creating leaders who will act as change agents, and by changing behaviors in frontline teams and individual employees in business units” (Neilson et al., 2004, p. 3). In my organization the department managers report and share perspectives to the directors and the directors share perspectives and report to the CEO/CNO. Each of the leadership teams are responsible for communicating and representing respect, value, our mission, and vision outlook within the organization to all stakeholders. As concerns arise from staff the leadership team will escalate concerns from the manager to director to CEO/CNO as appropriate regarding the change and/or to initiate a change. The eight-step method of change management is essential for leaders to communicate with change initiates including establish a sense or urgency; form a powerful guiding coalition; create a vision; communicating the vision; empower others to act up on the vision; create and plan short term wins for your team; consolidate improvements and provide more change; and institutionalize new approaches (Spencer & Winn, 2004). It is essential for managerial to maintain open communication, maintain discipline, and provide safe working environments for their staff within the organization to initiate changes.

Blanchard, K. (2010). Mastering the art of change. Training Journal, 44–47. https://web-s-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=80aff27e-a012-42cf-a258-6c8eebf52d2a%40redi
Neilson, G., Tipping, A., Krings, J., Aguirre, D. (2004). Change management perspective. Strategy & Formerly Booz & Company. https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/gx/en/insights/2002-2013/change-management-perspective/strategyand-change-management-perspective.pdf
Spencer, M. H., & Winn, B. A. (2004). Evaluating the success of strategic change against Kotter’s eight steps. Planning for Higher Education, 33(2), 15–22 https://web-a-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=b043b028-7e27-4a05-8b13-62529251cbe5%40sdc-v-sessmgr02