Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.

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Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.

Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
Discussion: Capella University Personal Leadership Analysis Paper

Question Description
Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 8-12-page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future.Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.Different types of health care organizations have different visions, missions, values, and cultures. Leaders must assess the community and organization to determine what type of leadership best fits the organizational context. Effective leaders are those who are consistent, credible, authentic, flexible, and engage in continuous learning.You will have your own brand of personal and professional leadership. It is important to periodically assess the fit of your style relative to the current environment and changing needs of the organization. Leaders who add value align their efforts and lead teams towards organizational goals. Research-based tools such as those developed by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) are available to assist with the task of developing and aligning your skill sets with the changing needs of your organization.By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success. By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 2: Assess personal leadership competencies relative to the organizational need. (L2.4, L14.4, L22.4, L19.2, L7.2, L10.5)
Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by health care organizations.
Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the health care industry.
Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators and measures.
Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. (L6.1, L6.2, L6.3, and L6.4)
Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.
Before you create and submit your assessment, it is recommended that you complete the following:
Review materials related to the National Center for Health Care Leadership’s Healthcare Leadership Competency Model:
National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2012). Healthcare leadership competency model (v2.1). Retrieved from http://www.nchl.org/Documents/NavLink/NCHL_Compete…
National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2017). NCHL health leadership competency model. Retrieved from http://www.nchl.org/static.asp?path=2852,3238
National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2010). Health leadership competency model summary. Retrieved from www.nchl.org/Documents/NavLink/Competency_Model-su…
Consider the needs of your health care organization that you identified in Assessment 1. Consider how you add value to the organization by contributing to the achievement of the internal benchmarks within your department and specific to your position of employment.
Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies, using the Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]. Once you have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, you will construct an individual leadership development plan to focus upon development of critical success competencies that can help you take your organization into the future.
Search for professional, scholarly journal articles on the leadership skills and competencies needed in health care organizations today and into the future. You will need a minimum of five resources to use as support for your assessment
This assessment has three distinct parts.
Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.
In Part 1, based on the information from your resources, provide an overview of the leadership competencies required to lead health care organizations into the future.
Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis.
In Part 2, compare the competencies most needed by your organization (from your work in Assessment 1) to the skills you already possess (using the results from your STAR analysis).
Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP).
In Part 3, use the information from your resources, your self-assessment, and your work in Assessment 1 to put together a cohesive individual leadership development plan (ILDP).
Read the requirements for each part carefully.
Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations
Related Scoring Guide Criteria
Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by health care organizations.
Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.
Based on the resources you located, identify the top five leadership competencies needed within health care administration in order to ensure the success of health care organizations today and in the future.Explain why each competency is critical to organizational success.
Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis
Related Scoring Guide Criteria
Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the health care industry.
Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.
Following completion of the STAR assessment (using the Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]), consider your strengths versus those areas which require additional development. Provide a gap analysis that compares industry needs (as identified in Part 1), the needs of your organization (from your organization’s strategic direction), and the results of your STAR assessment. You may wish to use the Personal Leadership Gap Analysis Template [DOC] to help organize your analysis narrative. In a brief narrative, explain any discrepancies between industry needs and organizational needs. Explain how your areas of strength can offer you additional opportunities for career advancement. You may include your Gap Analysis Template as an appendix to help support you narrative, but are not required to do so.
Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)
Related Scoring Guide Criteria
Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators and measures.
Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.
When constructing your individual leadership development plan (ILDP) make sure you are identifying at least three specific areas of weakness you need to focus on in order to meet industry and organizational needs.For your explanation regarding the alignment of your ILDP to industry and organizational needs address the following:
Explain the action steps you need to take to increase your competency in those areas. Be sure your action steps are specific, include a timeline, and align with the overall goal of meeting industry and organizational needs.
Create specific performance indicators and measures for each action step to clearly illustrate how you will know that you are making progress on your plan.
If it helps you organize your thoughts, you may use a table format for your ILDP, such as the Individual Leadership Development Plan Template [DOC]. Just be sure to provide enough detail in each section, relative to the expectations laid out in the scoring guide. You are not required to use a table format; if you prefer, you may simply write this section as a narrative.
Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
Length: 8–12 pages.
References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:
APA Style and Format.
APA Paper Tutorial.
APA Paper Template.
Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.
Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.