Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category.

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Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category.

Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category.

The advent of diverse health-related technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities to assist patients in maintaining control of their health. Consider for a moment health and fitness mobile apps, talking pill bottles, and smart apartments. New patient-centered technologies are being developed every day!

For this Assignment, you will select a health-related mobile app, personal health record, smart technology, or an interactive social media site that is helping patients to better manage their health.

Note: For the purposes of this assignment, a “mobile app” is defined as a technology application that can be viewed, played, and stored on smartphone devices and tablets.

To prepare:

Review Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”, in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics, and consider how technological innovations are transforming the ways patients’ access health-related information.

Reflect on the various patient-centered technologies that you or others may use, as well as those gaining attention in the media.

Conduct research on patient-centered technologies that assist users in managing their own health.

Select one technology category such as apps, personal health records, smart technologies, or interactive social media sites to further explore. Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category. How does this technology put patients in control of their health?