Ethnicity affects individuals’ health in many different ways. Compare the effect of ethnicity on health for two ethnic groups (of your choice), summarizing and explaining the similarities and differences between them.

What are two unique challenges facing the elderly GLBT population? How can the typical nursing home or assisted living facility address the unique needs of this population?
October 24, 2018
Write summary of your complete observation. Observe older adults in variety of settings (hospital, Senior Center, Adult Day Care, Home, church, etc. Observe their function and level of independence.
October 24, 2018

Ethnicity affects individuals’ health in many different ways. Compare the effect of ethnicity on health for two ethnic groups (of your choice), summarizing and explaining the similarities and differences between them.

Ethnicity affects individuals’ health in many different ways. Compare the effect of ethnicity on health for two ethnic groups (of your choice), summarizing and explaining the similarities and differences between them.

Why should war and disasters be considered public health issues?

Ethnicity affects individuals’ health in many different ways. Compare the effect of ethnicity on health for two ethnic groups (of your choice), summarizing and explaining the similarities and differences between them.

How does the social construction of illness—both specific illnesses and illness in general—affect the lives of persons who have chronic illnesses?

How do society’s views on, and responses to, mental illness resemble those of past centuries? How do they differ?

How does the profit motive affect the experiences of hospital patients and nursing home residents?

.Is “cosmetic pharmacology” ethical? Does the fact that it is only available to some individuals make it any more or less ethical? Could cosmetic pharmacology eventually increase social inequality?