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Diseases Assignment Essay

Diseases Assignment Essay

Hantaviruses are evolutionarily closely connected to the certain rodent species of the families Cricetidae and Muridae (voles, mice, and rats). The viruses are spread mainly by coughing or sneezing. The sources of human infection are rodent carriers who shed the virus along with the excretions into the environment. There is a possibility of human infection through nutrition, namely the use of products that have not been heat treated (vegetables, bread, etc.) and which have been contaminated by rodents. The risk groups include the military, rural residents, urban industrial workers and employees, and tourists (hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, etc.). Sick people probably are not a source of infection. The natural reservoirs for the virus are voles (Apodemus agrarius) and Asian rats (Apodemus peninsulae). Seronegative forms of infection occur in no more than 1-4% of patients with HFRS. People who were ill with HFRS form a long-term, probably lifelong, immunity to Hantaviruses.Diseases Assignment Essay Sample

Giardiasis is a disease caused by a single-celled parasite Giardia lamblia, which is introduced into the tissues of the intestine. Giardiasis is common among children as well as among adults of certain categories, particularly among homosexuals, people who often visit developing countries, as well as patients with chronic pancreatitis and with low acidity of gastric juice, and people with removed stomach. Infection occurs through the transfer of cysts of the parasite from one person to another. Direct transmission occurs between children or sexual partners, while indirect – through dirty food and water. Giardiasis is revealed intermittently through nausea, increased flatulence (bloating), and diarrhea. Severe forms of the disease can break the absorption of food, which is manifested in the weight loss. Other symptoms depend on the order in which infestations occurred in parts of the intestine. Metronidazole and tinidazole are subscribed for the treatment of giardiasis (drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.) The course of treatment also includes sparing diet containing a sufficient amount of animal protein and yeast.Diseases Assignment Essay Sample