Discuss whether or not you feel health planners, government officials, and healthcare organizations are using social issues/pressures or health statistics to determine strategies?

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Discuss whether or not you feel health planners, government officials, and healthcare organizations are using social issues/pressures or health statistics to determine strategies?

Discuss whether or not you feel health planners, government officials, and healthcare organizations are using social issues/pressures or health statistics to determine strategies?

We are constantly looking for information on the health of people and the country. According to one site, health statistics provide key indicators that help us know about the conditions of life in a country (Importance, n.d.). The author goes on to say these statistics help us understand the impact of health on people and work for their betterment. As we monitor the health of a population, we enhance our understanding of strategies to promote its health (Importance, n.d.).

Discuss whether or not you feel health planners, government officials, and healthcare organizations are using social issues/pressures or health statistics to determine strategies? Which is more reliable?


Importance. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/usestats/importance.html

Uses. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/usestats/uses.html



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