Discuss the problems you encountered as an NP student this week and strategies employed to overcome them.

  1. Would you have handled any patient situation differently this week and why?
  2. Reflect on your behaviors and reactions to the clinical experience this week.
  3. My impression of my performance in clinical this week was that I…
  4. What I liked about the experience this week…
  5. What I did not like about the experience this week…
  6. Discuss your growth both personally and professional each week.
  7. Discuss the problems you encountered as an NP student this week and strategies employed to overcome them.
  8. Reflecting on your experience this week, what components could you spend more time on… less time on…
  9. When I try to remember or understand important facts to solve problems in clinical, I…
  1. Structure: Origination, presentation, and communication of thoughts, impressions, and feelings
  2. Reflections: Critical reflection of observations and experiences
  3. Integration of own observations, experiences, and themes covered in course and/or related materials
  1. Below is an article by Suzie Kim, PhD, about critical reflective thinking. Please take a moment to review this article as it will help with your journal reflection work.
  2. http://0-search.ebscohost.com.library.simmons.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=2009816540&site=ehost-live&scope=site