Discuss the impact of living with a long term condition upon an individual their families and carers.

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Discuss the impact of living with a long term condition upon an individual their families and carers.

Care provision in Long Term Conditions
Assessment Task:
Summative Assessment: Essay of 2000 words responding to the learning outcomes answering the assessment question:
Discuss the impact of living with a long term condition upon an individual their families and carers. What care and support would be required in order to promote their capability of self care?


Learning Outcomes
All learning outcomes for this module are listed below. The module learning outcomes that are being assessed through response to the assignment question above are highlighted and numbered 1-5. Guidance follows each of the learning outcomes which give an indication as to how each outcome may be achieved.
1. Demonstrate in depth knowledge and understanding of common long term conditions and models and theories related to their management
Demonstrate knowledge of one long term condition of your choice
Make a link (in your assignment response) to models and theories related to their management
2. Understand the global and international, local and individual significance and the psychosocial impact of long term conditions.
Consider the significance of the long term condition in relation to the above
3. Demonstrate their understanding of the importance of their role in contributing to individualized care planning and medications management and technologies
Use the Care Plan framework below to guide your response
4. Understand the value of communication and the roles of inter professional multiagency care provision for building partnerships with carers, patients, service users and external partners
Consider the importance of the use of communication strategies in the management of care for a person with a long term condition.
5. Identify and apply models and theories of enablement and empowerment to facilitate the patients / family /carer / understanding for self-care of their condition.
Make a link from the impact of the long term condition to appropriate models and theories to promote capability for self care.

Summative Assessment
The assignment response should focus on the learning outcomes and answer the question as set out above.
Care Plan framework for the formative assessment and to inform the summative assessment
Aspects Impacting factors Link to models and theories of management enablement and empowerment
The long term condition
Physical needs
Change in appearance
Treatment technologies and medications
Functional capacity
Social needs
Environmental issues (access to health and social care)
Spiritual needs
Locus of control
Psychological needs
Ability to coping
Control and sense of usefulness
Reframing Adjustment
Failure of treatment
An empowerment model of health and social care (Adapted from Tones 2001 cited in A Practical Guide to Care Planning in Health and Social Care Lloyd M. McGraw Hill Open University Press)
Nichol, J (2011) Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions, Learning Matters Ltd.