Discuss the causes and severity of the health issue. Who is affected? What are the current statistics?

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Discuss the causes and severity of the health issue. Who is affected? What are the current statistics?

Discuss the causes and severity of the health issue. Who is affected?
What are the current statistics?

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Health and Medicine Archives – Page 3 of 4
I. Introduction: Provide a summary of the article. Provide an objective overview of the public health issue.

What issue is the article highlighting? Discuss why is this is a public health issue. (5 points)
II. Cause and Severity of the Issue: Discuss the causes and severity of the health issue. Who is affected?
What are the current statistics? What are the risk factors? (5 points)
III. Intervention: How can this health issue be prevented or the severity lessened? Identify public health
agencies involved (or should be involved) with this issue. What interventions are discussed? What steps are
being taken to remedy and prevent the health problem? (5 points)
IV. Recommendations: Your detailed suggestions for additional prevention efforts to address this problem in
the community. (5 points)
V. Format of Paper (5 points)
a. Your summary should directly reflect and be specifically supported by course readings and discussions.
Please make specific references to these readings.
b. In addition, please make sure to follow these guidelines in writing your paper:
i. Your paper should include headings reflecting each of the required elements of this paper.
ii. Your paper should conform to current APA style guidelines.
iii. Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length, double spaced, and have a font size of 12.please cite the
name of sources next to each qouted that you mentioned in assignment.