Discuss the advantages of using a theory to support clinical practice

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Discuss the advantages of using a theory to support clinical practice

Discuss the advantages of using a theory to support clinical practice

7 you may want to explore). The student should define the theory with a reference, and discuss how this theory relates to their own personal philosophy of nursing. At least four references should be provided and the paper should be in the APA template in proper APA format. The paper should follow the below format: Subheadings: I. Introduction & Brief Summary II. Why Theory Chosen III. Discuss at least two ways this theory could be applied to practice IV. Discuss the advantages of using a theory to support clinical practice V. Conclusion Remember, headings can be shortened or combined but headings should not exceed three words. References from the following links: https://www.redlandshospital.org/nursing-excellence/jean-watsons-theory-of-human-caring/ https://www.watsoncaringscience.org/files/PDF/watsons-theory-of-human-caring-core-concepts-and-evolution-to-caritas-processes-handout.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5299993/ http://www.internationaljournalofcaringsciences.org/docs/4-Lash%20-%20Original.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5293129/ MyCloudEssay 4 references are required, so I am giving you options.