Discuss How does data become knowledge

Discuss How does data become knowledge

Case Study: From Data to Knowledge


Unit 5 discussion From Data to Knowledge and Wisdom! How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom. Then, provide examples from your clinical practice (or past work experiences) according to the following. Examples of knowledge acquisition Examples of knowledge generation Examples of knowledge processing Examples of knowledge dissemination Examples of the use of feedback

Source: https://www.homeworkjoy.com/questions/health-care/577334-DeVry-nr360-unit-5-discussion-latest-2017-september/
© homeworkjoy.comOver the past few years, information science has made significant leaps forward. As local servers gave ground to cloud services, SQL databases and data tables began to migrate toward NoSQL and key-value data stores. Then came the advent of big data and the associated scaling technologies to handle the large volumes, varieties, and velocities of data.

Major advances in hardware and software made all this possible. Data storage is not expensive; therefore, it’s possible to store vast amounts of data cheaply.

Data analytics makes sense of all this data and produces information from it. Based on this information, you can make decisions and take actions. The result is a corresponding evolution in the field of data analytics. Cognitive processing such as machine learning and deep learning now augment analytics.

Analysts need to clean and check the validity of input data before using it for analysis. Structured data allows for easy retrieval, and so raw data must be prepared and formatted before data analysis can begin. The data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) model is useful for understanding how raw data turns into useful information, and then into knowledge, and finally wisdom.