Describe the role of the nurse educator in providing a safe and positive learning environment.

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April 13, 2022

Describe the role of the nurse educator in providing a safe and positive learning environment.

Describe the role of the nurse educator in providing a safe and positive learning environment.

NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 2.

Describe the role of the nurse educator in providing a safe and positive learning environment. Include discussion on how to prepare future nurse educators to promote civil behaviors and respond to uncivil behaviors in the practice setting?

Nurse educators inspire, teach, and mentor the next generation of nurses, leading the way to the future of patient care. Without them, graduating nurses would be ill-equipped to face the ever-changing demands of today’s dynamic healthcare system.

The best nurse educators take time to invest in their students and teams at a personal level. They prepare aspiring nurses for the transition to the real world, and their efforts don’t stop at graduation; many nurse educators continue mentoring and advising nurses throughout their careers.

In today’s article, we’ll discuss how leaders in nurse education play significant roles in shaping the future of nursing.

Instead of dedicating their career exclusively to patient care, a nurse educator is passionate about teaching and advocating for nurses. They instruct aspiring nurses and offer guidance, which may include training in both practical and educational settings.
Nurse educators hold an advanced degree, either a master’s or doctoral. They are often employed by universities, but are also found in hospital or clinical settings where they keep nurses up-to-date on the latest needs in health and patient care.

NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 2.
NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 2.

The World Health Organization (WHO) outlines eight core competencies for nurse educators which are, in summary:

Theories and principles of adult learning
Curriculum design and implementation
Nursing practice
Research and evidence
Communication, collaboration, and partnership
Ethical/ legal principles and professionalism
Monitoring and evaluation
Management, leadership and advocacy
Nurse educators play an important role in promoting quality nurse education.

In community colleges and universities, nurse educators teach in a traditional setting. They instruct others using a curriculum they’ve created and find new ways to engage students. These teaching strategies are grounded in educational theory and evidence-based practices.

Effective nurse educators are passionate, lifelong learners who work to keep up with changing techniques in technology, medicine, and teaching

Roles of a Faculty Nurse Educator

Balancing all the duties required of an educator can be tricky, especially as a member of university faculty.

Not only teachers, nurse educators serve as administrators, advisors, clinical coaches, lab instructors, mentors to new faculty members, course developers, researchers, and more.

It’s also crucial that a faculty works together as a team, sharing the load and providing students with a truly exceptional nurse education.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) categorizes a nurse educator’s duties into three main roles: collaborator, director of student learning, and role model.


Nurse educators are collaborators, capable of bringing others together and building partnerships. Aside from nursing staff, they coordinate student learning with professors across all disciplines.

Nurse educators also prepare students to work as a team in an environment where collaborative relationships have been directly linked to better patient outcomes.

Director of Student Learning

The director of student learning encourages development of staff, program, and curriculum. A faculty member in this role should have graduate level courses in education as well as nursing.

Role Models for Students

Nurse educators provide ongoing mentorship and serve as examples to students through various stages of hands-on learning. It’s an especially important role in clinical development, where students look to their teachers for feedback on patient interaction, decision-making, and health assessment.