Describe how traditional functions of health plan “utilization management” are changing in new value-based systems that are emerging

identify THREE things the health plan does well and discuss what barriers you think exist for other health plans to replicate their work
November 7, 2018
Describe how cost information relates to the three key activities of management: planning, budgeting, and control.
November 7, 2018

Describe how traditional functions of health plan “utilization management” are changing in new value-based systems that are emerging

Describe how traditional functions of health plan “utilization management” are changing in new value-based systems that are emerging

Describe how traditional functions of health plan “utilization management” are changing in new value-based systems that are emerging and discuss how the Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model can inform those functions.

What managerial competencies do health plan managers need to demonstrate in implementing new models of care and how might these differ in terms of health plan relationships with inpatient settings vs. ambulatory care vs. ancillary services settings?