Describe how to choose an evaluation strategy based on the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.

Describe how socialization influences the role of the nurse educator.
April 13, 2022
NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form.
April 13, 2022

Describe how to choose an evaluation strategy based on the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.

Describe how to choose an evaluation strategy based on the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.

NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 6

Describe how to choose an evaluation strategy based on the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. In Topic 8, you will create a lesson plan to implement at your practicum site. Describe two to three evaluation strategies you could implement and explain why they are a good fit. When choosing a strategy, select one from each of the different domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.

The digital era is a rapidly changing environment driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). It not only increases the speed and extent of knowledge throughput in the economy and society, but also creates new opportunities to generate new knowledge more frequently for adaptation to the changing surrounding environment.

However, knowledge turnover makes it hard for human beings to control the development and spread of knowledge (Nambisan, 2018). Therefore, how to make good use of the benefits of ICTs in a controlled situation is a very important issue in the digital era.

NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 6
NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 6

The European Commission defines entrepreneurship as the ability of individuals to translate ideas into action, including creativity, innovation and risk taking, and the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve goals (Karimi et al., 2016; Palazzeschi et al., 2018). Employees with good entrepreneurship should be able to use emerging technologies to carry out effective activities for value creation.

The cultivation of entrepreneurship can help employees better understand their work environment while providing entrepreneurs with the foundation to build new social or business activities to better capture new opportunities (Austin et al., 2006). Thus, entrepreneurship education is an important issue in the digital era.

Entrepreneurship education aims to enable learners and society as a whole to cope with emerging economic and employment challenges through creating an entrepreneurial mind-set and assuming the direct relationship between entrepreneurial intentions, motivation, and attitude (Hytti and O’Gorman, 2004; Haase and Lautenschläger, 2011; Kirby and Ibrahim, 2011; Nabi et al., 2017). Matlay (2008) pointed out that entrepreneurship education will affect attitudes toward entrepreneurship. For example, Walt Disney’s greatest creations are not animated films, not even Disneyland, but their extraordinary ability to delight the audience.

If employees lack entrepreneurship, they cannot support the company’s development missions. Entrepreneurship education provides the essential knowledge and skills to increase the number of well educated entrepreneurs (Matlay, 2008; O’Connor, 2013). Established firms have also reported benefiting indirectly from entrepreneurship education through recruiting better prepared employees (Kuckertz, 2013; Daniel, 2016).